Hey guys.
Today, we are going to see about making a K-pop song under 5 mins without singing or writing lyrics.
NOTE: You will have 2 versions of this song.🎵🎶
I have mentioned the steps of making this below: ⇩
Step 1: Go to ChatGPT, then type the given prompt: "Create a song with a mix of Korean and English".
Make sure to do transliteration of the Korean words to English.
Step 2: Go to Topmediai and sign up to create. Click on the below link to start creating:
Step 3: Copy the lyrics from ChatGPT and then paste it in the lyrics box. Enter the style of music as K-pop.
Add Verse 1, Chorus etc. to make the song sound good.
Give the title of your choice.
After you are done, click Create. It will take about 1-2 mins to load.
Now you have your own K-pop song.
Enjoy listening to it!
NOTE: You will have 2 versions of this song.🎵🎶
#HowtoCreateSongUsingAI, #AI, #K-PopSongCreation