
Abacus - Level 7 Completion

Hi All, 

Able to complete 7 levels on Abacus and getting into Level 8 after continuous practice for past 2 years. Thanks to my Mentor and Parents 

Please read the poem written by Me and enjoy. 

The Dream 
As soon as I went to bed
I saw a dog
I can’t see it properly
As the window was covered in fog
The dog had brown fur
And brown eyes
It wagged its tail
Giving me a surprise
I let it in
And fed some food
It was happy
Being a part of the family to include
I led him to my room
And a pillow & blanket would be fine
So, I wrapped it around the dog
And went to make mine
I woke up suddenly, panting
I tried hard to say it was just a dream
It was too hard
When there was a dog wrapped up under your soldier toy team

#Achievements, #Abacus, 

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